May 2, 2014

Summer is coming …..we think…..we hope

I know that the April rain has been dreary but with summer just around the corner, I am sharing a few quick ideas on how to make your corporate summer picnic fresh this year.

1.       Add some color…

Art Factory in Toronto does custom painting events

2.       Add some heat…

Have a celebrity chef   (someone like Rob Rainford who is local here in Toronto) judge a contest of the best BBQ sauce produced by your own employees.  No better way to  heat things up than with company cooking teams over a hot grill (include some of your executives in head chef roles)

3.       Add some hype

Set a Guinness World Record - nothing builds excitement like having Guinness at your event to break a world record.  A great way to share on various social media avenues

a.       Largest 3 legged race

b.      Largest balloon toss

c.       Most coins tossed in one place – (coins donated to charity)



Hope my “Free Idea” makes your Friday!

To learn more, please visit